Category Archives: English as a Second Language

Are you a language nerd?

English language nerd

‘Her mouth was trash’

It was another night of grading papers, and I was getting a bit bleary-eyed as I read English reports from my students. I perked up, however, when I read one paper.  The student was reporting on White Princess, a movie he had seen.  He wrote, in part:

White Princess looks beautiful and handsome.  But she is very bad girl.
She said, “I kill you, a**hole.”  Her mouth was trash.

The asterisks are mine. After all, I run a family-friendly site here.  Students can be full of surprises, even when they’re aspiring pastors and missionaries.


I’d like to think that this graphic doesn’t apply to any of my students.  I’d prefer to reserve judgment until I’ve finished grading all of the midterm exams and essays.   Time to take a break; I’ve seen enough for now.   o_O