Are you in love with your BFF?

What are the qualities you look for in a person you’d consider to date or possibly marry? Now think of those qualities. Now think of the qualities you look for in a close friend. Think about what pulled that person closer to you rather than a person you only speak to a few times a year. Consider your very close friend or also known as your best friend is the opposite sex. Some of the mistakes people make every day are not recognizing what may be in front of them.

via Are You In Love With Your BFF?

Note from Deb:  My daughter Winnie has written another post that will make you go hmmmmVisit The Wire Hanger by Winnie to read more.

About Deb Sistrunk Nelson

I’m a journalist, communicator, educator, mom, and wife. Sometimes these different facets of my life collide and make for crazy conversation. I’m a news junkie and a voracious reader on virtually anything related to media. When I’m not writing for business or pleasure, I tutor kids and adults. I also teach English as a Second Language. It’s one of the great thrills of my life.

Posted on March 5, 2013, in Blogs, Fear, Friends, Love, The Wire Hanger by Winnie, Writing and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. My reply to that would be. . .Yes!!

  2. Malik, my answer would be YES, too. 🙂

  3. Debra Whitehouse

    I would answer… YES!

  4. I used to be people who think that best friend is someone who I least expected to have a relationship with. because for some reasons when the relationships getting worse, I’ll lost everything (also the friendships). but as the matter of fact I prefer to have a relationship with people who know me for years than let the strangers try(force) them selves to understand me. because my personality could be soooo complicated that somebody (that met me for couple times) might hard to understand.
    then I realize…. it goes to my best friends who knows me for years and understand how to act with my complexity.
    so…. YES. 😀

    • Fairyedensor, I understand. Generally speaking, the people who know ME best are those I have known for years. Like you, I cherish my close friends. Thanks to you and everyone else who stopped by. 🙂

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